Observatorio Pierre Auger

To all ICD 2021 participants, here you will find three explanations about the use of Pierre Auger data available to every one who wants to use them. The following videos were recorded during our 5th Online Collaboration Meeting, where we connected with one of our groups participating in the ICD, plus a video with participation of our collaborators and other interesting experiments. Please enjoy!!

Actualmente se está desarrollando el Meeting de la Colaboración Internacional de forma virtual. Cada grupo expone el trabajo efectuado a lo largo de estos meses.

En este caso adjuntamos tres exposiciones del Área de la Divulgación de la Ciencia.

Dra. Viviana Scherini

Viviana explains how to go through our Open data web: https://opendata.auger.org/

Dra. Sofia Andringa

Sofia explains how to manage the 3D Event Visualizer.

Dra. Gabriella Cataldi

Gabriella presents the youtube video elaborated to be shown during the ICD 2021.

El video ya esta disponible en YouTube